Monday, August 8, 2011

I killed...

I killed my freshman friend in my dream this morning. Well, not intentionally....

So I had a dream last night that Nuri is dead. Yes, that Korean friend in Xavier year that I hang out with a lot at one point during freshman year. In my dream, I was going through some kind of social media like Twitter or someone else's fb status, and I read a preview of the status that said that "she will be missed forever, it was such a sudden death" etc. etc. So I clicked on it to read more, and it said when she was pronounced dead but did not find a cause of death.

So curious and somewhat stupid me, I went to her fb page to check the cause of her death (now that I think of it, why would I go in there when she's dead?! She can't update her status about how she died when she's dead!) and someone (luckily decreasing my stupidity) had posted her cause of death to which it said something about having a heart attack and was dead in the middle of the night. I remember really freaking out about it and couldn't look straight into her profile picture, and really feeling sad about it.

Then i woke up. It was not a good dream to wake up to. I woke up, looked around, and was a little creeped out. I took a morning shower thinking about it and it creeped me out again. I know she's not dead in real life. But now I just went to fb and was scrolling down and her status update with her profile picture (it was the same profile pic in my dream) was on it, and its really creeping me out again. I hope i didn't jinx her. I really hope not.

My mind just created a morbid dream...I feel like I killed her thinking about it even though her cause of death wasn't murder...


  1. That's such an interesting dream!!! As you probs know, I love dreams, and I love hearing other's dreams. It's funny when someone as random as Nuri pops into your dreams. You should use this as a launching point to reconnect with her. And WARN her!!!

    Also, thanks for the comment on my post. I'll respond to it in a bit.

  2. I dont know if this incident in particular should be a launching point to reconnect with her...It's a little bit awkward...what am I going to say? "oh, I saw you were dead in my dream the other are you by the way?" UmmmMMMM. *awkward turtle*

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! well, maybe you can say you had a dream with her in it, but leave out the murdering part??
